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And so in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+14Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: and so onhandsomeand so forthheart and soulon the grounds oflandscapediamondsbehind scheduleMeaning: adv. subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors). 
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151 One was that it might not be as attractive as some of the stronger currencies and so its general acceptability might suffer.
152 That he would atone for it and so the slate would be wiped clean.
153 Fiskars Kitchen Devils polyethylene board with colour-coded symbols - red bull for raw meats, yellow joint for cooked meats and so on.
154 My Dad was a kinda bluesy player and so I liked that.
155 We chose the southern route for our cruise and so our first port of call was the beautiful bay of Les Saintes.
156 Workers were attracted to these industries and to the docks and so the city grew rapidly.
157 Whatever the different roles assigned, Palin invariably personified a sweatily ingratiating Milquetoast; and so forth.
158 The cost was calculated in terms of the current price of slaughter stock, and so many head were then requested.
159 There remains room for disagreement over cases; and so the issue has stayed alive down the centuries.
160 They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention.
161 Having a stable exchange rate with our biggest trading partner-Euroland-will eliminate uncertainties and so boost trade further.
162 Their function was to discuss arrangements for forthcoming events, such as trips, holiday arrangements, structured activities, and so on.
163 And so news of a new addition to the facilities at the Sobell wall in Holloway caused much excitement.
164 We suppose that the Boussinesq approximation may be made and so the discussion of dynamical and thermal similarity in Section 14.5 applies.
165 I have met knitters with bad backs, frozen shoulders, tennis elbows and so on from doing to much knitting at a time.
166 His grades were bad and so was his attitude about school....
167 Cells in the limb bud must record whether they are forelimb or hindlimb cells and so alter their programme.
168 It could bring about greater price transparency and so more competition for consumers.
169 And so, believe it or not, he puts on the magic shoes and limps off to the funeral.
170 But it would, meanwhile, regularise his affairs and ensure proper continuity, proper attention to investments, and so on.
171 I went to boarding school and so am used to living in close quarters.
171 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
172 But when the Thatcher boom went bust Sugar's business declined with it - and so did Amstrad's market rating.
173 We're looking for a good all-rounder -- someone who can run the office, deal with customers' complaints, and so on.
174 But they were very reluctant to attend antenatal classes and so this club had been set up in response to this.
175 We have to call the years 1,2 and so on, instead of quoting the calendar years.
176 In many organizations budgets are set by adjusting the budget for the previous year, adding a bit for inflation, and so on.
177 But emigration to the United States had made this restriction anachronistic and so the Liberal government altered the law.
178 His health being delicate, Sir Christopher is anxious for him to marry and so sends him off to Bath.
179 Rules and orderliness appeal to girls from an early age, and so arithmetic in elementary school comes easily to her.
180 He is so accustomed to taking charge, and so fearful of intrusions, that he feels he can trust only himself.
More similar words: and so onhandsomeand so forthheart and soulon the grounds oflandscapediamondsbehind schedulemake friends with
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